Communist Party of Nepal Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Published 2024 Apr 22 Monday

Kathmandu: Today marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN), a significant milestone in the nation's political history.

The CPN was founded by a group of Nepali youths with the aim of challenging the oppressive Rana regime and advocating for the liberation of the people. The propagation of communist ideology gained momentum in Nepal following Pushpalal Shrestha's translation of the 'Communist Manifesto' into Nepali in 2005 BS. Shrestha, along with notable figures such as Niranjan Govinda Baidya, Narabahadur Karmacharya, Narayanbilash Joshi, and Moti Devi Shrestha, played instrumental roles as founders of the party, which was established with the objective of establishing socialism.

Over its seventy-five-year history, the Communist Party has undergone numerous divisions and unifications, reflecting the dynamic political landscape of the nation. Today, various communist and left-leaning parties continue to operate within distinct streams and factions.

To commemorate this significant occasion, the CPN (UML), one of the country's major communist parties, is organizing a special event at Godavari in Lalitpur. As part of the celebrations, the party has decided to confer the 'Ganatrantra Gaurav (Republic Glory)' upon former President Bidya Devi Bhandari, as announced by Rajendra Gautam, the party's publicity department chief. This honor is bestowed in recognition of the tireless efforts, integrity, and sacrifices made by senior members in the struggle against autocracy and the subsequent establishment of a republican system in the country.

The event at Godavari will be attended by various dignitaries, including members of the UML's national council, office-bearers of district committees, representatives from the Kathmandu Valley municipalities, and other esteemed individuals associated with the party. The gathering serves as a testament to the enduring legacy and resilience of the Communist Party of Nepal as it continues to shape the nation's political landscape.
